Vulnerability in Public Speaking

Planning For The Year Ahead – My Favourite Questions To Ask

In my December post I looked back on 2022 which was a year of transition for me. Early in every new year, I always sit down and look forward and think about the year ahead. After a year of transition in 2022, this year, I want to get more used to my ‘new set of clothing’. So…..a … Continue reading "Planning For The Year Ahead – My Favourite Questions To Ask" […]

Jan 27, 2023 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Transition and Re-Discovery – Looking back on 2022

My focus word for 2022 was ‘transition’… and that’s exactly what 2022 has been for me, a year of transition.  This year has been the first year where I’ve had a flexible work life, since I started working full-time many years ago. This year I’ve focused on spending time in my Non-Executive Director roles and my … Continue reading "Transition and Re-Discovery – Looking back on 2022" […]

Dec 20, 2022 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Confidence & Leadership

In my coaching practice I come across many leaders who struggle with a lack of confidence… and many are very experienced leaders who lack confidence in particular situations or with particular people. So, what is confidence? Tony Robbins’ definition of ‘confidence’ resonates with me: ‘…confidence is not something you have, it’s something you create. Being confident is nothing more … Continue reading "Confidence & Leadership" […]

Nov 30, 2022 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Good Leaders Delegate with Intention

In my coaching practice, one of the difficult transitions that I often see for leaders, is to make the shift from ‘doing’ to ‘leading’. As a leader, it is important to develop the skill of delegation. Through delegation, leaders free up time to focus on strategic thinking and leading and coaching their teams as opposed … Continue reading "Good Leaders Delegate with Intention" […]

Oct 31, 2022 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Navigating Workplace Values

I believe that successful leaders know who they are, what’s important to them and are clear about the values that guide their behaviour. Values often change over time and deepen as you develop a greater understanding of yourself as a leader. So, in my coaching practice I always spend time with my clients identifying their … Continue reading "Navigating Workplace Values" […]

Sep 30, 2022 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Trust and Leadership

Many years ago, I read Stephen Covey’s book The Speed of Trust and attended a workshop that was designed around building trust in teams. Covey’s work has always resonated with me as a leader, as I believe that trust is the basis of every relationship, whether at work or in your personal life. Recently I’ve spent some … Continue reading "Trust and Leadership" […]

Aug 30, 2022 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Dysfunctional Boardroom Behaviours (and what to do about them)

In my last post I spoke about boardroom dynamics – the social patterns that operate in the boardroom that shape the communication processes, which ultimately affect the decision-making capability of the board. They are important because, as Cairns (2003) states in the book Boardrooms that Work: ‘What brings boards and companies down is dysfunction in their … Continue reading "Dysfunctional Boardroom Behaviours (and what to do about them)" […]

Aug 02, 2022 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Boardroom Dynamics: What I’ve seen to work well in the boardroom

During my 20+ years as a Chair and Non-Executive Director on boards, I have observed a wide range of effective and dysfunctional behaviours in the boardroom. […]

Jul 09, 2022 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

What questions should leaders ask themselves on a regular basis?

Different questions that I believe are important for leaders to ask themselves on a regular basis. […]

May 31, 2022 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Resilience: The importance of connections when times are tough

Most people agree that ‘resilience’ is the ability to ‘bounce back’ from stressful or challenging experiences, particularly when things don’t go as planned. For me, I did eventually ‘bounce back’. […]

Apr 28, 2022 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

What we see through our window

A colleague of mine, Mary Linnell, shared the story below. It strongly resonated with me in terms of one of my values which is ‘acceptance’. I believe that you accept the place that people are at; you don’t judge them as you don’t necessarily know their story. We all travel a thin line in life … Continue reading "What we see through our window" […]

Mar 30, 2022 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Putting down tiny roots

I recently attended a reflection session with some like-minded people. The focus of the session was on the beginning of another year and paying attention to the gaps and openings that are drawing us in to set roots and generate new life in 2022. It was very timely for me as I’m at a place … Continue reading "Putting down tiny roots" […]

Feb 25, 2022 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Reflecting and planning as the new year begins: How I do this

I’m not someone who sits down ahead of a new year to reflect on the year just gone and to develop my goals for the following year… When I think about it, it’s typically about now, as we head towards the end of January, that I sit down to do this. This gives me an … Continue reading "Reflecting and planning as the new year begins: How I do this" […]

Jan 28, 2022 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Practical ways to look after yourself first

As the end of the year rapidly approaches I know that many people, including myself are tired and really looking forward to time in the New Year to relax and recharge. I often talk about change being the only constant… and the reality is that we continue to live in an uncertain changing world where … Continue reading "Practical ways to look after yourself first" […]

Dec 08, 2021 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Endings and Beginnings: Leading change in an ever-changing world

How do you lead change in this ever-changing world? […]

Oct 29, 2021 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Showing up with ‘executive presence’ when you are put to the test

I recently posted about ‘executive presence’… how you show up every day and interact and connect with others as a leader. It’s important because it can play a major role in your success as a leader. For aspiring executives, ‘executive presence’ may not come naturally, but it is essential to be aware of this important … Continue reading "Showing up with ‘executive presence’ when you are put to the test" […]

Sep 30, 2021 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Executive Presence

How do you show up as a leader? How well do you connect with groups or individuals? How do other people perceive you? Often the answers to these questions are linked to the term ‘executive presence’. So… what is it? ‘You know it when you see it’ is what many people say when you ask them … Continue reading "Executive Presence" […]

Sep 01, 2021 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Answers to common questions about the C-Suite Journey

Among clients and networks taking the journey to a C-Suite role, I hear some common questions arise. Here are some responses which may be helpful in answering a few of these. What can I do to work out if this is the right journey for me? There are many things that you can do. It’s … Continue reading "Answers to common questions about the C-Suite Journey" […]

Aug 03, 2021 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Performance in your C-Suite Role: How to bring out your best

This is the final P in the 3P Coaching Framework (Planning, Preparation, Performance) that I have been talking about over the past few weeks in my posts – Performance. The third and final ‘P’: Performance is about your ongoing performance once you are in a C-Suite role. It’s about being the best you can be … Continue reading "Performance in your C-Suite Role: How to bring out your best" […]

Jun 29, 2021 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

A smooth transition: Early wins in your new C-Suite role

I’ve recently been talking a lot about the 3Ps (Planning, Preparation and Performance) as one useful framework to navigate the C-Suite career journey.   In this article I will focus on the second ‘P’: Preparation. This is essentially about navigating the first 90 days in your new C-Suite role and being adequately prepared for a smooth transition and … Continue reading "A smooth transition: Early wins in your new C-Suite role" […]

May 28, 2021 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Do I have what it takes to be a C-Suite Executive?

One of the approaches that I have developed when working with C-Suite and aspiring C-Suite executives is a framework called the 3 P’s. This involves the key areas of PLANNING, PREPARATION and PERFORMANCE. Focusing on the PLANNING stage…… PLANNING is all about exploring whether this is the right journey for you… Do I really have what it takes to be … Continue reading "Do I have what it takes to be a C-Suite Executive?" […]

May 01, 2021 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Women and Leadership: Confidence as a leader

Tony Robbins’ definition of ‘confidence’ resonates with me: ‘…confidence is not something you have, it’s something you create. Being confident is nothing more than a belief in yourself. It’s the feeling of certainty that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to. Confidence comes from within.’ (Tony Robbins) But how do you develop confidence as a leader, especially if … Continue reading "Women and Leadership: Confidence as a leader" […]

Mar 30, 2021 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

An introduction to the 3 P’s of the C-Suite Journey

Through my work with C-Suite and aspiring C-Suite executives I have developed a unique approach that focuses on a framework called the 3 P’s. This involves the key areas of PLANNING, PREPARATION and PERFORMANCE. While this is a framework that I may use, my coaching is always customised for the person that I am working with. We start where the person … Continue reading "An introduction to the 3 P’s of the C-Suite Journey" […]

Mar 05, 2021 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Living with Purpose interview with Francis Lynch

In this conversation with Francis Lynch, experienced Social Services Executive and CEO, I talk about how I reconnected with my Lithuanian relatives after my father died. He had come to Australia in his early twenties and he had eventually lost touch with them. A chance encounter a few years ago reconnected me with this extended family and … Continue reading "Living with Purpose interview with Francis Lynch" […]

Mar 02, 2021 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Life is not about answers: Reflecting on lockdown week

As I reflect back on the week that has past, like many people I have spoken to, I found myself in a strange headspace. The reality is that uncertainty and disruption are now part of the ‘next normal’. […]

Feb 13, 2021 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Leading in the post-pandemic era

2020 has been a year that we will all remember. I hope you and those you care about are feeling safe and well. Let’s hope that the next year will be a better one for all of us. Now that the physical health threat of COVID-19 is easing in Australia, the mental health impact is … Continue reading "Leading in the post-pandemic era" […]

Dec 21, 2020 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

The Life Cycle of Organisations: How it relates to board and leadership

I recently read an article by Julie Garland McLellan that referred to the Holling’s (1987) Cycle of Adaptive Change that organisations go through as part of their natural lifecycle of development. This is something that I have always intuitively been aware of.  I recall, many years ago in my first CEO role, sharing this concept in … Continue reading "The Life Cycle of Organisations: How it relates to board and leadership" […]

Dec 01, 2020 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Silver Linings

COVID-19 has had a major impact in all areas that I work in and of course this creates personal challenges too. In spite of the challenges, there have been many opportunities. […]

Nov 05, 2020 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Is courage the quality that distinguishes great leaders from ordinary leaders?

We often associate courage with bravery, the strength to persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty… but what does courageous leadership look like in leaders? There is a great deal written about courage and leadership. Winston Churchill says that “courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down … Continue reading "Is courage the quality that distinguishes great leaders from ordinary leaders?" […]

Oct 02, 2020 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

The importance of the self-aware leader

People always observe what a leader is doing, how they are behaving and what they are saying. Many leaders are naturally self-aware, but many are not. Think of these scenarios… The team members who feel they cannot go to their leader with feedback on their leadership style… The leader who hasn’t seen the elephant in the … Continue reading "The importance of the self-aware leader" […]

Aug 27, 2020 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Being the best you can be as a leader

Both my parents have had a strong influence on my life. It wasn’t till much later in life that I realised exactly what that influence has been or how strong that influence was.  A special gift from my father has been the strong desire to be the best that I can be. It’s not about … Continue reading "Being the best you can be as a leader" […]

Jul 29, 2020 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Stepping into the ‘Next Normal’: 3 questions to ask at your organisation

What we don’t want to lose in the ‘next normal’ is all the new and innovative ways of working that we have developed and the strong sense of connection and belonging that has strengthened during this challenging time. […]

Jul 03, 2020 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Re-imagining strategy

Reflections from a CEO & Chair During this unprecedented time in our history what do we do about strategy? When the next horizon is so uncertain and we’re not sure what’s around the next corner, how do we know which is the right direction for our business to go in? What do we focus on? … Continue reading "Re-imagining strategy" […]

May 25, 2020 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Leaders of organisations role-modelling connection

Leaders of organisations are under a unique type of pressure and responsibility in the current crisis being experienced all over the world. As our circle of ‘control’ shrinks, people’s sense of ‘belonging’ becomes more and more important. In this environment, maintaining social connections and relationships with each other becomes paramount. Many of us are now … Continue reading "Leaders of organisations role-modelling connection" […]

Apr 16, 2020 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Trust in uncertain times

In this rapidly changing and uncertain time, ‘trust’ is paramount. At the recent AICD Summit in Sydney, Michelle Hutton, CEO of Edelman Trust Australia provided insights into the report on the results from the 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer. The Edelman Trust Barometer is a highly respected study that documents global trends in opinions about government, media, NGOs and business. […]

Mar 25, 2020 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Reflections on the Australian Governance Summit 2020: DIVERSITY

At AGS2020 there were a number of key themes that pervaded many of the presentations and panel discussions: trust, purpose, culture and values, diversity, risk, ethics, customer, technology and the Corona Virus. […]

Mar 06, 2020 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Using the 3 P’s to plan your C-Suite journey

Out of the one-on-one coaching work I do each year, I have now developed a more structured framework called the 3 P’s approach to planning the C-Suite journey. This focuses on the key areas of PLANNING, PREPARATION and PERFORMANCE. […]

Jan 29, 2020 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

End of Year Reflections: Learning from others and learning about myself

As we move closer towards the end of the year, I find that it’s important for me to take the time to reflect back over the past 12 months… what did I learn and more importantly, what did I learn about myself?  I’m a lifelong learner and love to stretch myself to continue to be … Continue reading "End of Year Reflections: Learning from others and learning about myself" […]

Dec 16, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Embrace change and accept adventure! Answering the call of opportunity

In some of my past posts I’ve talked about ‘opportunity’. I always see change as an opportunity and believe in the importance of always exploring opportunities when they present themselves. It doesn’t mean that you will necessarily pursue the opportunity, but I believe that all opportunities are worth exploring when they appear as you never know where they may lead you. […]

Nov 28, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Reflections on taking a pre-Christmas break

It’s that time of the year again when you realise that somehow time has passed by so quickly that you can’t believe it’s nearly Christmas. It’s time for a short break to re-charge the batteries so that you are refreshed and ready to tackle the remainder of the year. […]

Nov 01, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Boardroom Dynamics and Boardroom Chemistry: Why is it important?

According to research, board members are spending less time interacting with each other face-to-face. When board meetings only happen six to eight times a year with some directors dialing in via telephone or video conferencing, it’s not surprising that this can have a significant impact on boardroom dynamics and boardroom chemistry. In her recent article, … Continue reading "Boardroom Dynamics and Boardroom Chemistry: Why is it important?" […]

Oct 02, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

My experience with Brené Brown

I was very fortunate to see Brené Brown live in Melbourne recently. There were many learnings and messages that I took away from her session. I thought I would share some of these powerful messages about vulnerability and courage. ‘The future of leadership belongs to the brave – to courageous leaders’– Brené Brown According to … Continue reading "My experience with Brené Brown" […]

Aug 23, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

The struggle of putting pen to paper

I thought it was time for an update on how my book writing is going… well it is going, but VERY slowly in terms of what to show for how much time has passed and how much time I have invested! I’m still very clear about what I want to write about. The struggle is … Continue reading "The struggle of putting pen to paper" […]

Aug 05, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Why you should bring your whole self to your career

In this interview for The Juggle Podcast, I shared my personal story and some of the challenges I faced in developing my leadership journey. Listen to hear: How my life experience has shaped me into the leader I am today  Winning the Telstra WA Businesswoman of the Year 2015 was the impetus that encouraged me … Continue reading "Why you should bring your whole self to your career" […]

Jul 25, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Reflections from AICD’s Biggest Boardroom Lunch WA

I recently attended theAustralian Institute of Company Directors BiggestBoardroom Lunch, a hypothetical board role-play with a difference.  Bad behaviour in the boardroom! The role-play provided a forum for this group of experienced directors to demonstrate many of what we would describe as some of the ‘bad’ behaviours that we sometimes observe around the boardroom table. There … Continue reading "Reflections from AICD’s Biggest Boardroom Lunch WA" […]

Jun 28, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

ADAPTive Leadership

Korn Ferry recently published the outcome of a study that analysed the profiles of 150,000 leaders from their global database. The study highlighted the 5 key qualities of effective future-focussed leadership. Korn Ferry call these the ‘ADAPT dimensions’, which include the ability to ‘anticipate, drive, accelerate, partner and trust’. These are the characteristics that they … Continue reading "ADAPTive Leadership" […]

Jun 10, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Cultural Stewardship… a tricky business!

Boards are responsible for ‘cultural stewardship’ within their organisation… but how do boards know what the culture is like and then, how do they monitor the culture of their organisation?  In my last post I spoke about ‘purpose’ and ‘culture’ and the need for both to be in alignment within organisations… but how do you know … Continue reading "Cultural Stewardship… a tricky business!" […]

May 01, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Boards driving performance from the top: The importance of having a clear purpose

‘Purpose’ and ‘culture’ featured heavily in the presentations and discussions at the recent Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Australian Governance Summit in Sydney and particularly in relation to the topic of high performing boards. Purpose and culture need to be in alignment. When purpose is clear, and the way people behave in the organisation … Continue reading "Boards driving performance from the top: The importance of having a clear purpose" […]

Apr 01, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Are you a courageous leader?

Where does courage come into leadership and do you need to display vulnerability to be courageous? I’ve just been reading the inspiring new book from Brené Brown, Dare to Lead, which I’m sure many of you have now read or have on your list of books to buy. According to Brené Brown the answer is ‘yes’ … Continue reading "Are you a courageous leader?" […]

Feb 26, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Getting through those first 100 days as CEO… and beyond

I recently facilitated a session with a group of female CEOs. It was a diverse group in terms of age and years of experience in CEO roles. We talked about many things, with a focus very much on the role of the CEO and the role of the Board, as well as the important relationship … Continue reading "Getting through those first 100 days as CEO… and beyond" […]

Feb 26, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Important considerations for starting a social enterprise in today’s world

In a recent interview for Holyoake WA’s ‘Thought Bubbles’ series, I was asked to comment on what is important in starting a social enterprise today. Here are the key take-aways. Some important points to consider when starting a social enterprise 1. Have a clear VISION about where you want to go and why. Stay very … Continue reading "Important considerations for starting a social enterprise in today’s world" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Are you an approachable leader?

The most successful leaders draw people to them. They are authentic and they make time for people…and they are there to help.  Many leaders change who they are and how they behave once they enter the workplace. It doesn’t take long for people to work out that they are really someone else. I’m always reminded of … Continue reading "Are you an approachable leader?" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

My “Why”

My parents were a strong influence in my life – in different ways. I am fortunate to have received special gifts from both parents. They’ve both passed away now. I still miss them both. My mum was a tireless volunteer in the community. A caring person, always helping others, someone whom everyone loved. Often as … Continue reading "My “Why”" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Self Care at Christmas

As we get closer to Christmas it’s time to think about looking after yourself so you can give to others in 2019.  Just surviving the frantic pace of getting all the loose ends tied up so you can get out of the office for the holiday period can be stressful enough. For many, having to … Continue reading "Self Care at Christmas" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

How storytelling builds leadership

In recent articles I have discussed vulnerability in telling your story and I’ve given some tips from my experience in how to build confidence as a speaker.  Telling your story is an important tool to really connect with people at an emotional level, which helps your message be remembered. Successful leaders know how to do this well because … Continue reading "How storytelling builds leadership" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Tips to build your confidence in public speaking

In my last post I spoke about vulnerability in public speaking. This time I want to share some tips that have helped me build my confidence over the years in public speaking. Everyone has different techniques and approaches that they use, but here are some that I would recommend based on my own experience. This is not … Continue reading "Tips to build your confidence in public speaking" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Reflections on Quiet Leadership

I recently spoke with Megumi Miki, a thought leader in quiet leadership, about this type of leadership style. In the interview, I shared my journey into leadership and my experiences as a leader. I talked about my purpose and core values and who has influenced me on the leadership path. It was also an opportunity … Continue reading "Reflections on Quiet Leadership" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

The rewards of taking a holiday

It’s always a wild frenzy getting out of the office for any extended holiday period… and it can take a few days or even a few weeks to wind down and relax into holiday mode. Once you get to that relaxed stage you realise how important it is to take regular breaks. As a busy … Continue reading "The rewards of taking a holiday" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

The challenges of writing a book: My experience starting the journey

After thinking about it for a long time, I made a decision to write a book. It’s one thing to make the decision, but then how do you actually go about doing it? To help me along the way, I’ve attended a book writing workshop, I’ve started to read more about how others have done … Continue reading "The challenges of writing a book: My experience starting the journey" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Are you a ‘discerning’ networker? My reflections from a recent seminar on networking

I recently attended a seminar about networking that really made me reflect on how I have been approaching this important activity in business. I attend a lot of functions and consider that I’m quite an effective networker but am I a ‘discerning’ networker? This was a description used in the seminar.  That question has really … Continue reading "Are you a ‘discerning’ networker? My reflections from a recent seminar on networking" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Sharing my story for 20 year Celebrations at Therapy Focus

Therapy Focus has just celebrated their 20 year anniversary and I am privileged to have been their inaugural CEO, setting up the organisation. I’d like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the team and wanted to share my interview, just one of the stories that form part of the Therapy Focus history. Thanks to Tessa … Continue reading "Sharing my story for 20 year Celebrations at Therapy Focus" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Are CEOs experts at anything?

Successful CEOs are usually people who once had a specific skill set or expertise in specific areas. Over the years they have become what I describe as ‘well rounded’, as a result of a broad range of experiences in leadership and management roles. They have become generalists who are not really experts at anything.  It’s like … Continue reading "Are CEOs experts at anything?" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

CEO Isolation

It can be lonely at the top… As your career progresses and you move towards more senior leadership roles, you will experience many changes to how you relate to people within various structures, like moving from managing a small team to managing groups of managers! Eventually, as a CEO, you are managing the whole organisation, … Continue reading "CEO Isolation" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Purpose and moving towards board roles

In my last post, I spoke about ‘purpose’ and its link to boards. I spoke about how clarity of purpose helps us gravitate towards directorships with organisations that are more aligned with our own purpose and values. There is a strong sense of belonging, of being more comfortable and feeling more fulfilled as a director when … Continue reading "Purpose and moving towards board roles" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Purpose and board success

There is so much written today about ‘purpose’ – whether it’s about your own purpose as an individual or the purpose of organisations. For me, your purpose is what drives you, it’s your ‘why’. It’s why you get out of bed every morning and do what you do. When we are ‘on purpose’ we find … Continue reading "Purpose and board success" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

We all have leadership potential

To me a leader is like the conductor of an orchestra who makes sure that all the right instruments are in place and are playing the right notes at the right time. I believe that we all have leadership potential. Some simple but important leadership traits that you can cultivate… ·     Lifelong learning. Continue to develop … Continue reading "We all have leadership potential" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Some thoughts about success in business – give it time

I’m a strong believer that anything is possible… when you believe it, you will see it. It takes courage and self-belief and a strong awareness of who you are and what’s important to you, in order to achieve what you set out to in business. It’s never a smooth ride and it takes time… much longer than … Continue reading "Some thoughts about success in business – give it time" […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Stepping into Leadership: Care

I recently spoke with Megumi Miki, a thought leader in quiet leadership, about this type of leadership style. In the interview, I shared my journey into leadership and my experiences as a leader. I talked about my purpose and core values and who has influenced me on the leadership path. It was also an opportunity to reflect on […]

Jan 30, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Stepping into leadership: A important tool every leader needs

In my experience stepping into various leadership roles throughout my career, lifelong learning has been a cornerstone. Having an open mind and continuing to develop, grow and improve means you will be moving forward and will be living fully to your potential. Others notice this, and leadership opportunities come your way. Investing in yourself and … Continue reading "Stepping into leadership: A important tool every leader needs" […]

Jan 08, 2019 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Vulnerability in Public Speaking

I’ve been speaking in public for many years. It’s been an integral part of my leadership journey. I can’t quite remember my first time standing up in front of a crowd of people, but I do remember how daunting it was. Public speaking wasn’t a natural skill for me, particularly since I am essentially an … Continue reading "Vulnerability in Public Speaking" […]

Nov 06, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Interviews with great leaders: ANGIE PASKEVICIUS

By Wendy Williams.
Given Angie Paskevicius’ amazing background and experiences, I am so delighted that she has agreed to share both some of her story and her tips for leadership and leaders. Amongst many other successes in her career and journey to date, Angie is the 2015 winner of the WA Telstra Business Woman of the Year. […]

Sep 05, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Leadership is About Who You Are, Not What You Do

By Wendy Williams
Angie Paskevicius is the CEO of Holyoake, a leading not-for-profit organisation providing alcohol and drug counselling and support services in Western Australia. She is this week’s Changemaker. […]

Sep 05, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Holyoake CEO Angie Paskevicius wins Telstra WA Business Woman of the Year 2015

PERTH businesswoman Angie Paskevicius has been named Telstra WA Business Woman of the Year. The chief executive of Holyoake is responsible for leading strategic direction, operations and business performance of the not-for-profit company, which provides alcohol and drug counselling support programs. Ms Paskevicius also won the For Purpose and Social Enterprise Award at the 21st … Continue reading "Holyoake CEO Angie Paskevicius wins Telstra WA Business Woman of the Year 2015" […]

Sep 05, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

AICD Experienced Director profile interview

What do you think are the foundations of being a good director? The Board plays an important role in setting the tone of an organisation or business. I believe that directors need to operate from a strong values base and that there needs to be an alignment between the values of individual directors and the … Continue reading "AICD Experienced Director profile interview" […]

Sep 04, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

The role of the chair is essential to developing meaningful boardroom discussions that stimulate debate and avoid groupthink

By Alexandra Cain
Chairs have a difficult role. They must encourage debate and dissent around the boardroom table, without it getting personal. That’s tough when there are often strong and even fiery personalities in the room. […]

Sep 04, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

CEO Hopes National Award Win Will Boost Not-for-profit Future

The 2015 Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year hopes her win, coupled with the rise of social enterprise initiative in the not-for-profit sector, will help encourage the next generation of business leaders into community organisations. Angie Paskevicius – the CEO of leading West Australian alcohol and drug counselling and support services provider Holyoake – … Continue reading "CEO Hopes National Award Win Will Boost Not-for-profit Future" […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Holyoake CEO 2015 Telstra WA Business Woman of the Year

Holyoake CEO Angie Paskevicius was named 2015 Telstra WA Business Woman of the Year on 9 October 2015. “I was honoured to be nominated along with many highly accomplished business women,” said Angie, who also received the award in the ‘For Purpose and Social Enterprise’ category. The Telstra Award judges were particularly impressed with the … Continue reading "Holyoake CEO 2015 Telstra WA Business Woman of the Year" […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Top Award to Paskevicius

Angie Paskevicius, the CEO of Master Builders’ Health Alliance member Holyoake, has been announced as the 2015 Telstra WA Business Woman of the Year. Ms Paskevicius has been in charge at not-for-profit provider of alcohol and drug counselling and support programs Holyoake since 2007, but her career spans more than 30 years as a health … Continue reading "Top Award to Paskevicius" […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Opportunity in Adversity

You will always find opportunities when you experience adversity. Challenges are opportunities to learn and grow. […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Inner Strength

There is something inside all of us that we can draw on, in times of need…. our inner strength. With experience and time, you become confident in the knowledge that it will always be there when you need it. […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Family Bonds

The Unexpected Message It’s late on a Friday night in November, 2015. I’m sitting on my own in a hotel room in Melbourne. I’m meeting up with some colleagues tomorrow, and they want to keep in touch using messenger on Facebook. I really only use Facebook to keep in touch with my son and his … Continue reading "Family Bonds" […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

In the business of inspiring women

Joondalup business owner Sally Hewitt is one of about 140 women attending an International Women’s Day event next week. Hosted by Business Women Australia (BWA) at Fraser’s Restaurant in Kings Park, the March 8 lunch will feature Holyoake chief executive and last Year’s WA Business Women of the Year Angie Paskevicius as keynote speaker. Ms … Continue reading "In the business of inspiring women" […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

2015 WA Womens’ Report Card

The benefits of improved gender equity are great – for women and men, organisations, our economy and community. While we have made progress, there is more to do. The 2015 Women’s Report Card builds on the work of previous editions to provide the most comprehensive and unique compilation of information about the status and progress … Continue reading "2015 WA Womens’ Report Card" […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Thought Bubbles With Angie – Mental Health

Mental health is a growing concern as 1 in 5 Australians are impacted. Angie encourages people to reach for help. […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Thought Bubbles With Angie – Innovation For Impact

You can’t do the same things and expect different results. In this episode of Thought Bubbles, Angie highlights the power of innovation to achieve social impact.SHOW MORE […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Thought Bubbles With Angie – Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is vital to build resilience. Angie shares her views about how SEL can make a positive impact in the lives of young people, adults and the wider community. […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Thought Bubbles with Angie – Employee Wellness

Employee wellness is a growing concern as it continues to impact on absenteeism, presenteeism, workplace accidents and productivity. Angie Paskevicius, CEO of Holyoake, shares her thoughts about addressing this issue. […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Thought Bubbles with Angie – Social Enterprise

Valuable insights from the CEO of an organisation that has transformed a small social program into an internationally successful social enterprise. […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Watch this episode of ‘Stories Out Loud’, featuring Holyoake CEO Angie Paskevicius

Stories Out Loud Having the strength to continue, when adversity has threatened to stop you, is a person’s most precious attribute. Angie Paskevicius, CEO of Holyoake, shares how uncovering her family history revealed important lessons for her life and how she drew strength from adversity to become an award winning CEO. She opens up about … Continue reading "Watch this episode of ‘Stories Out Loud’, featuring Holyoake CEO Angie Paskevicius" […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Holyoake boss in line for Western Australian of the Year Award

Angie Paskevicius is proud of the programs Holyoake has created to help people dealing with drug and alcohol issues. The Victoria Park resident and Holyoake chief executive has been working in the not-for-profit sector for about 20 years, including nine in her current role. Holyoake helps more than 6500 people struggling with alcohol and drug … Continue reading "Holyoake boss in line for Western Australian of the Year Award" […]

Sep 03, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Stories from the Heart: A story about feeling foolish

Every couple of months there is an event called Stories From The Heart, hosted by Lisa Evans. It is an opportunity for people with and without storytelling experience to speak on stage in front of an audience for just 6 minutes. There is a theme for each event. All funds raised on the night are … Continue reading "Stories from the Heart: A story about feeling foolish" […]

Jun 16, 2018 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Angie Paskevicius nominated for West Australian of the Year Awards

Angie Paskevicius is one of the three Community Awards finalists in the 2017 West Australian of the Year Awards. “Angie has shown a sustained and inspired commitment to improving the lives of West Australians. The success of Holyoake, and Angie’s ability to transform the organisation, speaks volumes about the positive impact that Angie has had … Continue reading "Angie Paskevicius nominated for West Australian of the Year Awards" […]

Sep 03, 2017 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Spending time with Angie Paskevicius

By Maria-Jane Satterthwaite
Recently I was fortunate enough to sit down with 2015 Telstra Business Woman award winner and Holyoake CEO Angie Paskevicius to hear her thoughts on leadership; here's what she had to say! […]

Mar 22, 2017 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore

Deconstructing Leadership with Angie Paskevicius

By Liz McCoy
Angie Paskevicius has been the CEO of Holyoake, a leading provider of drug and alcohol counselling and support services in Western Australia since 2007, and is the2015 Telstra Business Woman of the Year. […]

Mar 22, 2017 Blogs 0 Comments Readmore